Natick and Wayland Achievements
Representative Linsky is pleased to share that he has secured bond funding for Natick and Wayland in the Economic Development Bond Bill that the House passed recently in 2024. He was proud that this funding he advocated for was included in the final House version of the bill, and was similarly proud to vote in favor of the bill’s overall passage.
$500,000: Pedestrian safety improvements at Bacon Free Library and Pond and High St, Speen & Pinehurst St, and Bacon and Walnut St intersections and traffic signal improvements at Union and Pleasant Squares.
$500,000- Middlesex Ave Parking Structure
$100,000- Bacon Free Library
100,000- Utility Service improvements at East Natick Industrial Park
20,000- Route 30 shared use path feasibility study
$100,000- Route 20 Master Plan
$100,000- Economic Development Coordinator Position
$100,000- MBTA Communities Act implementation
Chapter 70 Funding: $13,716,207​
4.18% / $550,472 increase over FY24 final budget
Local Earmarks: $190,000
Natick Veterans Oral History Project
METCO 2.0 Coaching initiative in NPS
Natick Center MBTA Station mural
Natick Service Council food pantry
Wayland: ​
Chapter 70 Funding: $7,544,860
3.82% / $277,888 increase over FY24 final budget
Local Earmarks: $25,000
Wayland Rail Trail improvements (cofiled with Rep. Gentile)

Representative Linsky is always proud to support the communities of Natick and Wayland and securing funding for his constituents is one of the greatest achievements of his work as a representative. He has been instrumental in bringing Chapter 70 funding increases year after year for his districts, which have increased Massachusetts' aid to education in Natick and Wayland.
Linsky secured funding for Natick High School, funding for the building of the Kennedy and Wilson Middle Schools in Natick, and secured $50,000 for the groundbreaking of Natick’s Senior Center back in 2011.​​​ In addition to funding increases, he helped reform the state school building funding process to benefit Natick, and then negotiated on behalf of Natick to secure funding to build its high school and two middle schools.